Coming this June, the Tarifa Strapless Kitesurfing Pro 2016 will wow audiences with the seemingly gravity-defying strapless acrobatics of the athletes. Tarifa, with its legendary conditions, will host kiteboarding’s top surf riders. The Tarifa Strapless Kitesurfing Pro is one of kiteboarding’s can’t-miss events. To learn more about the event and for a list of invited riders, continue reading the details from the Global Kitesports Association, below.

The Tarifa Strapless Kitesurfing Pro 2016 starts with the qualifiers on the 29th June and runs until the 3rd of July. After the success of last year, in which Airton Cozzolino took the title ahead of Keahi de Aboitiz, the 2016 event carries big expectations among the industry, riders and kiting fans. The Tarifa Strapless Kitesurfing Pro 2015 saw huge crowds pack the beach, cheering loudly for the incredible action on the water. This year looks to build on that success.

24 riders will compete in the main event. Those 24 riders are made up by:
• The top 8 riders from last year’s event who qualify directly to the competition
• 4 wildcards will be also be awarded to riders by local contest organizers
• 12 riders will qualify via a trial competition on the 29th June

Tarifa is not only famous for consistent wind, but also for its unique kiting culture, vibe and nightlife. All aspects of the event will surely go off with a bang. The event will launch in style at the opening ceremony, which will be held at the Wet-Café, and the awards will take place at the Chiringuito Tangana.

Here’s the current list of riders for the 2016 event, taking place at the famous Valdevaqueros beach in Tarifa:

Airton Cozzolino
Mitu Monteiro
Matchu Lopez
Julien Kerneur
Patri McLaughlin
Evan Netch
Matt Elsasser
Reider Decker
Jan Marcos Rivera
Theo Demanez
Sando Pisu
Camille Delannoy
Danny Morrice
Herve Boure
Tundra Max
Paulino Pereira
Luis Brito
Djo Silva
Stefano Gentilli
Ralph Boelen
Ismail Adarzane
July Rebollo
Gustavo Arrojo

The Tarifa Strapless Kitesurfing Pro is also the first event in the GKA Wave and Strapless Freestyle Tour, which consists of four events this season, at the end of which the GKA will crown a GKA Wave and Freestyle Rider of the Year – the most all-around high-performing rider across all four events, in waves and in strapless freestyle.

You can find the list of other Grand Slam Wave & Strapless Freestyle events here.

Fri 17th Jun, 2016 @ 9:00 am


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