Kitesurfing in Americas

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Brazil
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Canada
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Chile
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Mexico
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Panama
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Peru
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - USA


Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Fortaleza
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Fortaleza

Visit Brazil if you’re crazy about kitesurfing and can't get enough. Brazil offers a great and diverse selection of spots and consistent winds. In the small villages, you will find only fishermen and kitesurfers, so it’s easy to say that  “eat, sleep, kite repeat” applies pretty well for a Brazilian kitesurfing holiday. It’s hard not to forget about the rest...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Ålesund
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Ålesund

Ålesund (Aalesund) is a must if you are visiting Norway! Travellers either arrive on a cruise ship, by plane or drive from Oslo to explore our Vikings traditions, Art Nouveau architecture from the 19´century and last but not least, the incredible nature surrounding it; including the fjords, the Alps of Sunnmøre and the islands. The main city connects to the...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Providenciales
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Providenciales

The Turks and Caicos Islands are famous for their endlessly beautiful turquoise waters and stunning beaches. As a kiteboarding location, the country still flies under the radar, allowing visiting kiters to enjoy pristine waters with relatively few other people. The main island of Providenciales (locals/regulars call it Provo) is home to a spot with world-class learning conditions, along with many...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Atins
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Atins

In 2015 Craig Cunningham named Atins as his #4 favourite flatwater spot in the world. Located 600km west of Fortaleza, Atkins serves as an endpoint for many legendary downwinders. Set in the Delta of the River Preguiças the meandering river mouth creates ever-changing sandbanks and knee-deep lagoons. Along with its consistent strong winds, typical for these shores, kiters encounter perfect...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Rio Lagartos Biosphere Reserve
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Rio Lagartos Biosphere Reserve
Rio Lagartos Biosphere Reserve

Nirvana Blue is a spectacularly remote off-grid boutique villa on a private 10-mile beach with world-class kitesurfing. Catch some of the best thermal winds of the Gulf of Mexico without having to share the breeze. Shallow waters, gentle waves, and high winds make for ideal conditions for experts and beginners alike. Nestled deep within the lush and vibrant Biosphere Reserve...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Mindoro
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Mindoro

Consistent wind, turquoise blue waters, friendly locals, and plenty of authentic experiences are a few reasons Mindoro should be on your kitesurfing holiday bucket list. Mindoro is an unspoilt slice of kiting paradise should you take a less travelled path. One of over 7000 islands in the Philippines, its proximity to the Northern point of the Philippines means it experiences...