Kitesurfing Advanced Technique
Back Loop to Blind with Air Pass
After last issue’s take on the back loop to blind we thought it only fair to continue on from where we left off. Needless to say you really should be sticking the blind landing on your back loop before moving on to this cherub. That said the air pass on this trick is heavily dependant on timing and technique, not...
Back Loop to Blind with Surface Pass
For the truly courageous amongst you our final move this issue is a real gem. Not only is a back to blind with a surface pass, see Video 1 out an absolute show of control and a beautiful move in it’s own right, it is also the final building block to a couple of world class air pass moves. Once...
Back Mobe
Seeing as its getting much warmer up this way, and holding onto the bar is now genuinely possible and even enjoyable, we thought it high time to throw a real cherub of a move at you aspiring unhooked freestylers. So here and beyond lies the A-Z of how to learn the jolly Back Mobe. Just to clarify this is not...
Back Roll Kite Loop Grab
At a time when you could be dressing up a Turkey, tarting up an evergreen or decorating for some yuletide festivities, how about adding some glitz and glam, a fairy light and some tinsel to a timeless classic. There won’t be anything finer to unwrap (Fortnum and Mason’s brandy butter being the one exception) than a fully embellished back roll...
Back Roll Tail Grab Board Off
There is no set course in kiting. Once you’re up and riding, the world is your oyster, kiting your canvas. Different craft, moves, priorities. Whatever lights you up from cruising to quite literally bruising. That said, there are some logical paths which you can follow as you improve, and in this case, we’re following the jumping path. You get confident...
Back to Wrapped
The back to wrapped is a fairly funky move in it’s own right, although you don’t get to see them much. Most riders skip it in preference of going straight into the back mobe, and once they land that then they’re unlikely to go back to the wrapped version. However if you’re not one of the better riders in the...
Barefoot Water Ski
It’s not that long ago that the Jesus walk was the Don of support moves, but now the stage light and emphasis certainly shines bright on the art of barefooting under your kite. Back in the day slalom skiers turned their noses up at the barefoot brigade, please don’t deny it, but who is laughing now eh:) Once you have...
Barefoot Water-ski Dismount
Unsurprisingly here is another fun filled move from Heliarde. The water-ski or barefoot dismount. Not only does this look the absolute shizzle, but it’s also a good way to train yourself for the joys of the Jesus Walk should you be so inclined. The beauty is that even if you consider yourself to be on the wrong end of the...
Beach Start Back Roll Grab
If you want to kick off your session completely mad dog, hair down, guns blazing, look at me, who’s the Daddy, then this far from subtle entry into the ocean is defo your tipple of choice. However, it is possible to underplay it as if nobody is watching, but that forced cough before lift-off, might just arouse suspicions. We’re spicing...
Beach Start Pass
This is an audacious move that you’ll often spot in fun-filled videos of distant shores. A jumped beach start looks mighty fine but throwing a pass in as well, that’s the icing on the cake. If you’ve ever tried it but not yet succeeded, you’ll agree that it’s not as simple as first appears. However, rest assured with a few...
Blind Judge
Simply put - a great move, looks the biz and definitely one that once you have it nailed, rewards with a high percentage return rate. In English the blind judge is an unhooked raley to blind but with an air pass rather than a surface pass, see Sequence 1. Now without wanting to slow anyone in their tracks or piddle...
Blind Judge 3
We’re expecting that you can already stomp the blind judge, and therefore we’ll tweak what you have to move you towards the full monty. In tech terms, considering that you should land a blind judge pretty much down wind, you’re only going to have to turn just over another 90˚ to claim this one, but that’s a bit like saying...
BLT to Blind
We absolutely love this one! A veritably fun little treat and an absolute banger of a cheeky move. Conjuring this out of the hat when turning low level next to the beach should get you a few laughs and plenty of appreciative whistles, smiles all round. Basic requirements are a back roll transition and some form of blind. It’s not...
Board Off Varial with Handle
This really is a timeless classic. It adds some flair to a straight board off and brings back fond memories of the Space Monkeys generation and all their peers, spinning the board around tirelessly in competition the year before Martin et al went boom into freestyle:) A while back we covered the tail flip varial. Now we’ll go through the...
Double Back Loop Kiteloop
This one harks back a bit, watching some of the early adopters pulling the trigger on one of these back in the day was a sight to behold, large kite, no depower, heavy mutant strapped to their feet, and serious landings! Fortunately things have moved on and tricks like this are open to anyone and everyone, so certainly worth a...
Double Front Board Off
Heliarde is back with some big air shenanigans for you all. This time with a lofty double front roll with a rather casual board off. Nothing beats a biggy, except a biggy with some form of embellishment, and a board off double certainly does add more than a hint of spice. May we suggest that a decent double front is...
Double Front Loop Down Loop Transition
This is a personal favourite on the transition side of life, as it has a lazy feel and an almost slow mo appearance, thanks to the fact you don’t need to turn the full 720˚ as the downloop does a lot of the work for you. As a basis for this we’d suggest having the front loop downloop transition in...
Double Heart Attack
Here we go, something for those of you who like a challenge and don’t mind kissing the water occasionally! The Double Heart Attack or in ye olde English, a double S-Bend 3. Either way, it’s an absolute cracker and not exactly for the faint-hearted. As such it’s a pleasure to welcome back Heliarde to the technique pages this issue, and...
Double Hinterburger Mobe
Assuming that you’ve done your homework and nailed the Hinterburger Mobe, here’s another challenge. The joy of freestyle obsession and learning tricks is that you never get to sit on your laurels, there’s always something else waiting in the wings. This time round we’re adding another back rotation before the pass, squeezing out every nanosecond of airtime from your pop...
Down Loop S-Bend
We’re throwing this in just in time for those winter gusts and/or trips abroad. We’ve noticed quite a bit of down looping this summer, and this is a fairly simple add-on. In itself the move opens up a plethora of possibilities, done super powered up it can deliver some seriously arching height, looks great off a wave and is a...
True or False? The F16 is aptly named as a result of the horrendous G forces the body must endure whilst attempting it. Well to be honest it is surprising a certain Mr Bertrand Fleury, or his peers such as Tobias and Vari took so long to calm their insane, ahead of the game, riding styles in favour of the...
Front Roll Tail Grab Board Off
Here at CKPerformance we’re massive fans of rotations. You learn one and immediately you’re presented with an unfathomable plethora of new possibilities, combining your latest love of spinning with pretty much every other move you’ve already added into your ever expanding box of tricks. Here’s another classic killer combo, mixing a single front roll with a tail grab board off....
Front to Blind
Front to Blind Our front loop love bubble just would not be complete without adding the sublime blind landing and a cheeky surface pass out. Tricks to blind look phenomenal, feel sensational, and once you get the hang of landing blind, they’ll all start collecting in your box of tricks. Having just taken you through the unhooked front, this is...
Front to Wrapped
Here’s a blinding move for you aspiring freestylers. The front to wrapped is an achievable pop move for anyone landing Shiftys to wrapped, and it also doubles as a great way to get into the non-inverted slim. Theoretically at least if you can perform a controlled unhooked front to toeside, then this move is but a step away…. The Foundation...
Handle Pass
The beloved dangle pass, as seen in video 1 is a fabulously satisfying move, which now seems to be almost as outdated as the once awe-inspiring dead man. That said it looks fabulous, can be done super high, and even when all your other unhooked moves have been well and truly grounded by too much wind, can be pulled out...
Hinterburger Mobe
Finishing up this issue we have an absolute cracker of a freestyle move, the Hinterburger Mobe, also known more descriptively as the Late Mobe. This rather fun and exceptionally stylish mobe is not to be confused with a straight Back Mobe. In this version, what makes it both unique and achievable is that it comprises two moves, which are beautifully...
Hooked Back to Blind Ole
Been featuring a few of these Ole endings recently, as they are a fine way to finish off a hooked move to blind as it makes the whole trick smooth and is great alternative to getting your shoulders hammered when there is just that bit too much wind for us mere mortals to freestyle. Without wanting to be overly presumptuous,...
Hooked Back to Blind Tail Grab
Here’s a beauty. Those of you who have been following our technique for some time will recall how we used to bang on about going for moves which the conditions allow (saves a lot of frustration), and how learning so many of the more advanced moves hooked in will stand you in good stead and allow you to show some...
Indy Front Down Loop Transition
We’ve always been massive fans of transitions. There’s something hugely rewarding in making the simple act of changing direction into something more personal, different, showy, challenging and downright groovy. Who didn’t want to BLT as soon as a back loop was possible and who doesn’t love that moment of hang and weightlessness of an air gybe. So to continue the...
The KGB is the next step on from a back to blind with an air pass. Much like the excitement of a Blind Judge 3, the add on is the final 180 of rotation so that you land heel side, therefore completing the move. It’ll have you laughing on the inside for weeks once you claim it, as that final...
Kite Loop 3
The KL3 is a genuine pleasure to tame. Having a bit of pull from the kite and chucking a pass in to boot should get you cheering yourself on even without witnesses. Best bet before trying this would be to get your shifty 3 down, as that way you’ll be used to the rotation and muscle memory should prevail when...
Kite Loop to Wrapped
The kite loop to wrapped is a desirable move in its own right which shows good control and is a pleasure to land. However it is also the ultimate stepping stone and building block to a kite loop 3. The advantages of learning the wrapped version first are many. Firstly you have more time to concentrate on the kite loop...
Krypt - Raley to Toeside
We all love a Raley, and funnily enough most of us learn on our preferred side, favourite foot forward, leading to a solid heelside touch down. It seems a shame to ignore the other side and deny yourself the kudos of flicking your board both ways. Hence the Raley to toeside, and just to prove it is a genuine move...
Even if you already have an inverted Slim Chance in the bag, adding the non-inverted variant to your repertoire will be both satisfying and worthwhile. It’s likely that many of you and in particular some of the “old timers”, went on to master the Slim as the next step after the long forgotten dangle pass. As a result you may...
One Foot Dark Slide
It's an absolute pleasure to welcome Heliarde back onto the technique pages of IKSURFMAG. We've had so much fun filming and working with him this past month, so here he is showing us how it's done, this time with the somewhat precarious looking one-footed Dark Slide, finished off with a back roll and late kiteloop, Muito show! This one is...
One Foot Front Loop Transition
This move is a bit of a classic from the archives. Reminiscent of huge four line kites, powered up with the bar wedged against the knot of the oh so effective trim strap, solid no flex mutant strapped onto your feet whilst aimlessly trying to snap your ankles, all the while hoping not to dump the kite lest you need...
One Foot Jump
We are sometimes prone to bang on about what attracts most people to kitesurfing. Airtime has always been very near the top of the list for most people, and even those who only dreamt of jumping generally end up realising their dream. On a recent trip to Venezuela it was hard not to notice a jolly nice chap who bore...
Front Roll Foot Wash Transition
Most of us change direction more often that we do anything else, and that’s why transitions should be celebrated. Here’s one to really tickle your pinkies. The front roll foot wash transition is the antithesis of less is more, squeezing as much into a transition as possible. The base for this move is the popped front roll transition, as it’s...
The KGB is the next step on from a back to blind with an air pass. Much like the excitement of a Blind Judge 3, the add on is the final 180 of rotation so that you land heel side, therefore completing the move. It’ll have you laughing on the inside for weeks once you claim it, as that final...
Strapless Riding
We’re going to keep this one relatively brief, as it is not rocket science, or rather it doesn’t have to be, apologies Mr Bernoulli. However pretty much everyone who stands on a surfboard for the first time, having been riding twin tips makes the same basic mistakes. To understand how a board works and how this effects the way you...
Toeside Pop to Blind with Ole
Back in Issue 96, we introduced you to the pop to blind with a cheeky Ole. Justifiably, we're sure you'll now agree, claiming that it feels oh so amazingly good! Well, as we often do, we'll discourage you from resting on your laurels and follow it up with this variation: the toeside pop to blind with an equally cheeky Ole....
Pop to Toeside
Some time ago back in the annals of history, or issue 2 to be precise, we looked at how to slide the board from heelside to toeside. Probably one of the first tasty moves any of us learnt. Now it’s time to take the Lucky Luke step even further and actually pop to toeside, which could also be your first...