The penultimate day of the Elite Championship in Dakhla was blessed once again with ideal freestyle wind conditions. The competition commenced at 1 pm, completing the Women’s Semi-finals and the Men’s Small Final.

Women’s Semi-Finals

Heat 7

Heat 7 was first in the sequence. 14-year-old Mikaili Sol from Brazil put on a strong performance that once again served to enhance her reputation as a top freestyle kiteboarder. With a very solid array of tricks, she received many high scores including a 9.4 KGB and a 9.73 Double Heart Attack. Francesca Bagnoli kept up a steady rhythm behind her, landing a powered Heart Attack scoring 8.6 points. She advances to tomorrow’s finals together with Sol.

Heat 8

Therese Taabbel performed solidly for Heat 8, as the landed a Slim Chance scoring 8.33. Although she crashed her last two attempts, she had accumulated a good lead and advanced into the final. Paula Novotna from the Czech Republic joins her after also riding a consistent heat and gaining some high scores.

Men’s Small Final

Gianmaria Coccoluto from Italy was once again on fine form today, as he successfully landed trick after trick, including a powerful 317. Val Garat managed four solid tricks, and despite crashing several attempts, he landed a Slim 7 on his last trick to seal the deal. He finished the heat in the second position. Arthur Guillebert followed a fraction of a point behind him, and Anthar Racca in 4th, after also riding well throughout the event.

Tomorrow the event comes to a close with both the Men’s and Women’s finals programmed for 3 pm local time. Tune in to the live stream, right here.

Fri 9th Nov, 2018 @ 3:45 pm


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