Kitesurfing in Germany

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Loissin
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Loissin

The area around Greifswald is beautiful and expansive, yet it remains relatively undiscovered by tourists. Greifswalder Bay is a large bay with no currents and offers several excellent kitesurfing spots. It is ideal for training and foiling, as long as you avoid the shallow water, and typically not too crowded. Kitesurfing here is not dependent on tides, and you'll be...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sankt Peter-Ording
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sankt Peter-Ording
Sankt Peter-Ording

2km wide and 12km long, Sankt Peter-Ording is home to a beautiful wide landscape featuring the biggest beach in Germany. One of the best things about the beaches is that when the kitesurfing season starts (from Easter until November), there is no need to walk the beach to get to the kite spots as all the beaches are accessible by...



Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Le Morne

Le Morne in Mauritius has to be one of the best spots for kiting on the planet; it caters for all abilities with a mix of flat water, easy waves and world-class barrels all within a 1-mile radius. The wind can be fickle, however, so while you can have the best week ever, you are just as likely to get...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Seco Island
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Seco Island
Seco Island

Seco Island is a paradise for kitesurfing. It is only a tiny island (400 m x 100 m) in the Sulu Sea, 50 km west of Panay. But despite its size, it has great kiting conditions, delicious food, fantastic sunsets and star-filled night skies. Sunsets are amazing too making this the perfect dream spot. Wind and Weather The wind is blowing almost all year....

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi

Among the 17,000 Indonesian islands, Sulawesi is one of the five main (along with Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Papua) windiest spots in Indonesia. Sulawesi is also home to the two biggest Indonesian wind farms (Sidrap and Jeneponto) located in the south. Sulawesi is surrounded by pristine and warm waters and has recently become a trendy Asian kite destination for summer....

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Tenerife
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Tenerife

If you're looking for somewhere to kite all year round in Europe, it's undoubtedly the Canary Islands. A group of Spanish archipelagos is located in front of the Moroccan coast. Spring throughout the year attracts millions of tourists from all over Europe, especially those from colder climates. Tenerife, one of the islands, is one of the most popular tourist destinations...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Palanga
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Palanga

On the west coast of Lithuania lies Palanga, a popular spot on the Baltic Sea for kiteboarding, landboarding, SUPing and surfing. Eighteen kilometres long and up to 300 meters wide of sandy beaches, it is the busiest summer resort in Lithuania. The conditions can be pretty choppy and wavey, especially if the wind blows from the west, northwest or southwest...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sao Miguel Do Gostoso
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sao Miguel Do Gostoso
Sao Miguel Do Gostoso

Sao Miguel Do Gostoso is a kitesurfing paradise yet to be known by many. Imagine the best wind conditions in Brazil but without the crowds. Enjoy the adventure of northeast Brazil, a quiet and safe region full of like-minded good people. Hundreds of kilometres of wild beaches and dunes to travel with your buggy, epic downwinders, lagoons, waves, and more....