Kitesurfing in Lithuania

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Palanga
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Palanga

On the west coast of Lithuania lies Palanga, a popular spot on the Baltic Sea for kiteboarding, landboarding, SUPing and surfing. Eighteen kilometres long and up to 300 meters wide of sandy beaches, it is the busiest summer resort in Lithuania. The conditions can be pretty choppy and wavey, especially if the wind blows from the west, northwest or southwest...



Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Anapa
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Anapa

Maybe a place that is not at the top of most kiters visit lists, Russia has some amazing kiteboarding gems.  Russia is a huge country with a vast border and different seas so for this guide we will spotlight Anapa.  Blagoveshenskaya or Blaga for short is the most famous of kite spots in Russia and is situated on the Black...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi

Among the 17,000 Indonesian islands, Sulawesi is one of the five main (along with Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Papua) windiest spots in Indonesia. Sulawesi is also home to the two biggest Indonesian wind farms (Sidrap and Jeneponto) located in the south. Sulawesi is surrounded by pristine and warm waters and has recently become a trendy Asian kite destination for summer....

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Gökova
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Gökova

Gökova Bay is situated in the west of Turkey and surrounded by the warm and clear Aegean Sea, amazingly it is still one of the relatively unknown spots in Europe which means you can enjoy riding here without battling amongst the crowds. The bay itself is 3km wide which means there is plenty of space for everyone! Each afternoon from...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Lake Neusiedl
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Lake Neusiedl
Lake Neusiedl

With more than 300 sunny days a year and the mild Pannonian climate, Lake Neusiedl is more than just a kite, windsurf and sailing hotspot, it is an enchanting place to relax and recharge your batteries from your daily routines. The Lake Neusiedl is a steppe lake situated between the eastern parts of the Alps and the western part of...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hel Peninsula
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hel Peninsula
Hel Peninsula

Hel Peninsula consists of one of the biggest beginner-friendly lagoons around Poland. The shallow (waist deep) lagoon stretches from 500 to 1000m across the entire Peninsula. Clearwater, sandy bottom, no reefs, no significant tides changes, no sharks spottings and lot of space make this place perfect for beginners and intermediate riders. Additionally, the positive, laid-back vibe and nearby accommodation at...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Le Morne

Le Morne in Mauritius has to be one of the best spots for kiting on the planet; it caters for all abilities with a mix of flat water, easy waves and world-class barrels all within a 1-mile radius. The wind can be fickle, however, so while you can have the best week ever, you are just as likely to get...