Tuesday 23rd April, may not have been fruitful in the end, but Wednesday 24th and then the final event day on Thursday 25th look good for delivering enough juice to complete this first Freestyle contest of the season – the GKA Freestyle World Cup Leucate.

The competition was very close to starting today (Tuesday) at the spot of La Franqui after promising to build all day. When the winds began to nudge over 12 knots at around 3 pm a couple of riders were keen enough to get out onto this extra large lagoon (filled up from the weekend’s wave surge) and throw a few moves.

Sadly, that was the peak and what wind there was soon dropped back again to below ten knots.

Promising Switch

In anticipation of this and the continuing dominance of south – southeasterly conditions, the live stream and race crew have been busy moving all equipment to another spot, Port Leucate. As a mission, it’s a bit of a monster!

Situated 20 minutes directly south of La Franqui (our current spot), but crucially also below the jutting headland that blocks the more southerly winds here at La Franqui, the waters won’t be as flat as the lagoon conditions promised here, but the winds will be clean, and there will be kickers for tricks.

Click here to find all the details of the revised structure.

Skippers Meetings: Scheduled for 8.30am Wednesday 24th April, with first possible start 09.00am – only two days remaining!

Words: Jim Gaunt 

Tue 23rd Apr, 2019 @ 10:00 pm


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