Kitesurfing in Montenegro

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Ulcinj
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Ulcinj

Montenegro is situated in the south of the Adriatic and is an extraordinary place. It offers an abundance of beauty, beaches, crystal clear lakes, the sea and incredible scenic mountains. In the mornings, you can wake up along the beautiful Adriatic coast, have lunch on the banks of Skadar Lake, and enjoy an evening walk in the Montenegrin mountains. Ulcinj...



Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Le Morne
Le Morne

Le Morne in Mauritius has to be one of the best spots for kiting on the planet; it caters for all abilities with a mix of flat water, easy waves and world-class barrels all within a 1-mile radius. The wind can be fickle, however, so while you can have the best week ever, you are just as likely to get...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Gökova
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Gökova

Gökova Bay is situated in the west of Turkey and surrounded by the warm and clear Aegean Sea, amazingly it is still one of the relatively unknown spots in Europe which means you can enjoy riding here without battling amongst the crowds. The bay itself is 3km wide which means there is plenty of space for everyone! Each afternoon from...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Anapa
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Anapa

Maybe a place that is not at the top of most kiters visit lists, Russia has some amazing kiteboarding gems.  Russia is a huge country with a vast border and different seas so for this guide we will spotlight Anapa.  Blagoveshenskaya or Blaga for short is the most famous of kite spots in Russia and is situated on the Black...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Aphrodite Resort
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Aphrodite Resort
Aphrodite Resort

Overall a fantastic place with some priceless unspoilt kiting spots. With great people and food and cheap beer (they even come with a plate of chips as well if you’re lucky), you can't beat it. Northern Cyprus deserves attention but don’t tell everyone; we don’t want to spoil it with overcrowding like some of the more famous spots. Wind and Weather...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Coral Coast
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Coral Coast
Coral Coast

Fiji is a beautiful and vibrant archipelago in the South Pacific. Here the pace of life slows as you’re now on Fiji Time! The locals do not stress and are some of the friendliest people you will find anywhere. The Pacific Ocean meets the islands barrier reef systems, head-on. Producing many exhilarating and varied world-class surf breaks, including the famous...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - La Vega de Pupuya
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - La Vega de Pupuya
La Vega de Pupuya

La Vega de Pupuya is s a kitesurfing and windsurfing paradise, and if you like waveriding, you won't find a better place than this. We're not far from the capital Santiago, and there are loads to see and do around here. La Vega de Pupuya is a quiet village, home to a mix of locals and riders from all over...