Mystic Majestic X 2018 Kitesurfing Review

Mystic Majestic X 2018

Reviews / Mens Harnesses

Mystic 65,651

At A Glance

The Majestic X is a new high-end harness from arguably the biggest accessories brand in our sport. Packed with new technology and plenty of features it should be on your radar if you’re looking for a new rigid style harness. First up a word about rigidity championed years ago it is now filtering through to more and more brands.

Mystic have created a Bionic Core Frame, which is the base of the harness. It’s made from high-end carbon fibre but is designed to be rigid on the horizontal plane while still being able to twist and flex as your body moves. Something the Mystic claim offers unrivalled comfort.

Elsewhere IV Memory Foam has been used to ensure comfort and non-slip EVA pads sit on the waist to stop the harness from twisting. Neoprene is then used to finish the harness off and offer superior comfort. There is an option of two different spreader bars, the ClickerBar 4.0 Surf and the ClickerBar 4.0 Multi.

The surf option features a rope slider that is offset to one side offering maximum movement when on the wave. If you are goofy or regular, you just flip the spreader bar to suit your riding stance. The Multi bar is a simple hook design and both are well padded and feature the innovative click system to release the spreader bar that Mystic is famous for.

On The Water

The package you get with the Majestic X feels premium from the get-go, arriving in a handy bag the whole product looks exceedingly polished. Ours arrived with both spreader bar options, and these two are very well finished. We loved the offset nature of the Surf Bar sliding rope; this harks back to the Goofy/Regular design of the original two face wave harness that Mystic brought out some time ago, which in terms of function was a favourite of ours.

What the Two Face lacked in comfort it made up for in the range of movement on offer. Now with the Majestic X and the Surf spreader bar set up you get that same range of movement with unrivalled comfort. Something we were stoked to see!

It is worth noting that the new trend of rigid harnesses is here to stay. However, they were originally designed to be a custom mould to your back. Extensive use of memory foam negates some of this, but it is worth trying on the harness in a store and leaning into it so you can see how it feels.

I found the Majestic X to be exceedingly comfortable for long days on the water. Any session over two hours will quickly show up any potential issues, and we never felt any significant pressure points or uncomfortable areas when riding. Both the Multi and Surf spreader bar are excellent, and the addition of the leash loop on the Multi Bar is a great thing to see. Having your leash connected to the front of your harness is so much safer should things go wrong.

One thing we did feel was missing was a loop on the Surf bar, when you have this set up the only option is to either loop the leash around the webbing on the harness or the supplied handlepass leash. Yes, you could loop it around the rope, but if the rope fails, then you lose the kite. It’s a minor niggle, but it would be great to see a D ring or a solution to this on a future version.


The Majestic X is every bit the ultimate harness out there, combining a rigid format that offers a solid connection to the kite with all the bells and whistles of Mystics impressive harness knowledge results in something that is hard to find fault with. Be sure to try one on, but if it fits you, we think you’ll be in love! The attention to detail is fantastic with the key pocket and knife included as standard, it gets a big thumbs up from us!


For more information visit Mystic


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By Rou Chater
Rou has been kiting since the sports inception and has been working as an editor and tester for magazines since 2004. He started IKSURFMAG with his brother in 2006 and has tested hundreds of different kites and travelled all over the world to kitesurf. He's a walking encyclopedia of all things kite and is just as passionate about the sport today as he was when he first started!

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