Kitesurfing in Indonesia

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Kaliantan
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Kaliantan

You'll be able to find wind, waves, and an epic adventure in Kaliantan. It's a spot that's likely to go boom on the tourist radar in the next few years, so get in quick while it's still uncrowded. Kaliantan is located in southern Lombok, an enchanting coastal region that is prosperous with white sand beaches, palm trees, and local culture....

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi

Among the 17,000 Indonesian islands, Sulawesi is one of the five main (along with Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Papua) windiest spots in Indonesia. Sulawesi is also home to the two biggest Indonesian wind farms (Sidrap and Jeneponto) located in the south. Sulawesi is surrounded by pristine and warm waters and has recently become a trendy Asian kite destination for summer....



Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Tigertail Beach, Florida
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Tigertail Beach, Florida
Tigertail Beach, Florida

Tigertail Beach is a beautiful, white-sand beach on Florida’s Marco Island (on the Sunshine State’s west coast). It’s a unique spot, and you can kite its flat-water lagoon or easily walk across a thin strip of beach separating the lagoon from the gulf and kite the surf and chop in the Gulf of Mexico. However, it is a bit of...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hardangervidda
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hardangervidda

Hardangervidda is widely recognised as one of the best spots in the world for snowkiting. The Hardangervidda mountain plateau offers huge areas and stable wind conditions throughout the entire winter! You're going to love it! Wind and Weather From January until the beginning of March; you'll get the best powder conditions and starting mid-March until May; you get longer days...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Sulawesi

Among the 17,000 Indonesian islands, Sulawesi is one of the five main (along with Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Papua) windiest spots in Indonesia. Sulawesi is also home to the two biggest Indonesian wind farms (Sidrap and Jeneponto) located in the south. Sulawesi is surrounded by pristine and warm waters and has recently become a trendy Asian kite destination for summer....

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Paros
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Paros

The Island of Paros has been growing in popularity over the years as more kitesurfers and windsurfers learn about the amazing wind conditions over July and August. With its authentic Greek cuisine, lively community and warm weather, there are very few reasons not to go! How to get to Paros Athens Airport is the main airport for international flights arriving...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hamata
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Hamata

Hamata is a kitesurf playground with crystal-clear water, a huge waist deep area for beginners and lots of space for the advanced ones to practice new tricks. Unlike other Egyptian spots, it is pretty green and diverse on the water with a scenic mangrove forest upwind of you and three beautiful islands with reefs a little bit further out. The...

Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Babaomby
Kitesurfing Travel Guides - Babaomby

The Babaomby spot situated on Madagascar’s Emerald Sea lagoon gathers a beautiful and diverse playground for kitesurfers with excellent wind conditions. The spot is ranked among the ten windiest spots on the planet by Windguru and offers everything a kitesurfer dreams about: safe conditions in shallow and crystal clear waters, two wave zones easily accessible only a 15-minute ride away...