Majestic X Harness

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Majestic X Harness

Join the talented Baptiste Bourdoulous as he returns to his summer playground, where years of training have honed his skills to perfection. This year, Baptiste brings along his friend Andrea Principi, and together, they unveil the hidden treasures of Greece’s Korfos Beach, transforming it into a world-class big air spot. Vote here if you think this is the best video you’ve seen this year!

To vote for this video, share this page! The video with the most views wins. * (Closes 4th Feb 2024)

To view all nominations, please click here: Best Kitesurfing Video of 2023 Nominations

* Views are counted from this page not the video platform. View counts are updated every 4hrs

Thu 4th Jan, 2024 @ 3:01 pm


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