How to Send It! Your first KITELOOPS | Get High with Mike | Big Air Kitesurfing
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Ready to Send It!? Nope, not the movie, this one’s a tutorial from Get High with Mike. If you’ve been to scared to loop it or properly send a jump, this guide should ‘send’ you on your way! Step 1: Send it. Step 2: Send it harder!
Mike says, “After hundreds of hours of coaching people just like you, I’ve discovered 1 big skill for you to practice that serves as a stepping stone to big kiteloops. It’s called a Sent Jump! No, I’m not talking about doing a big jump that impresses your mates so much that they tell you later over beers that you were ‘sending it today!’ I’m not talking about that awful movie that’s just been announced either! Haha, no, when I say ‘send it’ I’m talking about sending your kite forward into the window. The process of sending it and pulling a kiteloop are so similar, yet the sent jumps are way safer, making them this ideal stepping stone. Not only that, but they’re also hella-fun!”