Flysurfer Era

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Flysurfer Era

After losing in the trials for the main event at the PKRA Dakhla I decided to hit the speed spot with a couple of friends everyday and get some of my best tricks on camera. The “Speed Spot” is what the locals call to the amazing combination of sandbar created by the low tide with the most sickest flat water you can imagine and the solid steady winds for 11, 9 and 7m coming straight off shore. After heading there a for a few days I found that spot like a dream and now back in Tarifa I’m missing it a lot so I decided to drop this little video called “Sahara Dreams”. I hope you all enjoy my way of dreaming.


Behind the lens:
Manel Arpa
David Tonijuan
Sergi sureda
Water shots courtesy of 7th Frame.

Mon 5th May, 2014 @ 12:00 pm

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