Raiarii Fadier

Raiarii Fadier

Pro Rider

3 years ago

Watch Arthur Guillebert and Raiarii Fadier show off Eleveight's final product of the year, the FS V5 in this stunning edit by Zoum Prod.

4 years ago

Watch Eleveight rider Raiarii Fadier shred Bora Bora. You're going to want to book some flights after watching this!

Issue 93

Lightroom Issue 93 is jam packed with epic photos with nowhere else to go!

3 years ago
Issue 92

The Eleveight Master, a high-performance twin tip designed with freeride and freestyle in mind, has been refined for 2022. With both a standard and premium construction in the range, which Master will help you master your session? Find out what sets them apart in this Tech Focus piece!

3 years ago
Issue 85

The best photos with nowhere else to go!

4 years ago
Issue 83

Peter Stiewe has been designing kites for longer than we can remember, after Best went off the rails he set up Eleveight with a core group of people, the brands been going from strength to strength. Rou Chater takes some time out to talk to the man himself!

4 years ago

Featured Riders

Brandon Scheid

United States
