Ellie Dimitrova
Pro Rider
1 year ago
Flysurfer has just released not one but two exciting boards to their lineup; The new generation of their splitboard, the Trip, and their light wind...
1 year ago
Grab the TRIP and explore the most beautiful surf spots in the world - Join Ellie Dimitrova in a turquoise wonderland! Flysurfer's split board fits...
Issue 101
Social media has changed the kiteboarding industry, but is it for the better? Rou Chater and Crystal Veness explore the impact of social media on our sport, both positive and negative. Is social media really the answer?
Issue 100
Welcome to Palmar, Mauritius, where kiters from all over the world gathered for the 2nd edition of the C Kite Festival. Join Crystal Veness on her journey to this kitesurfing paradise rich in cultural heritage. From jaw-dropping tricks by World Champions to heartwarming success stories by passionate kiters, this article is a sneak peek at what awaits those who venture into the east coast of Mauritius.
Issue 99
If you've recently scrolled through Instagram, you've likely been entranced by Ellie Dimitrova riding in style in picturesque turquoise waters. Between kitesurfing excursions in Venezuela, tours of the Serengeti, and time spent in Zanzibar, Ellie had many tales to share in this exclusive interview with IKSURFMAG's Jen Tyler!
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