News Tagged: 'Strapless'

8 years ago

North Kiteboarding have been at the top of their game for many years now. With a strong team and great quality kit, it’s no wonder...

12 years ago

Great movie from the recent North Team trip to Mauritius, some amazing riding and great waves, plus a neat cameo from our good friend Tom...

12 years ago

We featured one of Mark's brilliant stories in the latest issue of IKSURFMAG, here is his latest video instalment, fantastic stuff! Check out the article...

12 years ago

The first ever full clip focused on the wonder that is Airton Cozzolino, he rides strapless, yet pulls powered moves with kite low that some...

12 years ago

The wind finally came through and the evnet was completed with Keahi and Moona taking the crown. Fair play to Moona, her first event on...

12 years ago

Flukey conditions have dominated the event but the wind is starting to turn on now and they have run quite a few heats. Fingers crossed...

12 years ago

Robby at the KSP Event site talking about the competition and kiting in waves... Looks like they might get some heats run today and the...

12 years ago

WetworX is a great digital magazine from Best Kiteboarding, obviously it features all things Best, but it is a great way to keep up to...

12 years ago

Definitely one to watch, a rare bit of footage of the man, the legend, Robby Naish ripping on his kitesurfing gear! Joined by Kai Lenny...