News Tagged: 'Pedro Henrique'

10 years ago

A thrilling Finals Day of the Virgin Kitesurf World Championships at the Prince Moulay el Hassan Kiteboarding World Cup Dakhla 2015 saw Liam Whaley (ES)...

10 years ago

Check out the final days action from the wave event at the Virgin Kitesurfing World Championships in Dakhla... The wind switched on and the waves...

10 years ago

Congratulations to the #VKWCDakhla2015 wave discipline winners Jalou Langeree and Keahi de Aboitiz! Both of them fought their way to the final where Jalou was...

10 years ago

You ride what you buy. Or at least in the case of pro-riders they want you to buy what they ride. It's all about having...

10 years ago

When the Best Team dropped this edit it didn’t just showcase the amazing variety of conditions their riders enjoy in Portugal. It showed us just...

10 years ago

No strings attached. Best team rider Pedro Henrique has spent all his live in the waves, most recently with a kite, but his true love...

11 years ago

Just as you thought it was August 2014, the kite world goes crazy with the 2015 product launches! Best Kiteboarding have just dropped this edit...

11 years ago

This is pretty awesome, I'd go so far as to wager it is going to be the best bit of kitesurfing to go into your...

11 years ago

Pedro Henrique heads to Hawaii and the island of Oahu to smash the hell out of some waves, this guy is seriously talented with and...