Kaimar Halliste
Pro Rider
2 years ago
BIG NEWS! Estonian Eleveight team rider Kaimar Halliste has done the extraordinary! He shattered the former @woosportskite World Record of 17.7 seconds of hangtime at...
3 years ago
Watch Eleveight's Kaimar Halliste in this 120m kite tow-up! Videographer: Risto Kosk Photographer: Sören Talu Video editor: Kaimar Halliste Captain: Martin Pihlamägi Help from No...
3 years ago
Hailing from Vääna, Estonia, Eleveight rider Kaimar Halliste is always entertaining to watch - Keep an eye out for this guy!
Issue 98
Van conversions have been a hot topic in the kite community, but Kaimar and Kerli Halliste have taken their van to a different level - and to a different continent! Read all about their ultimate kite van and road trip from northeastern Europe to northwestern Africa in this exclusive interview!
Issue 97
Check out some of the best photos with nowhere else to go in our Lightroom Issue #97!