Guy Bridge

Guy Bridge

Pro Rider

4 months ago

Join Guy Bridge and the crew for a day of madness at home!

4 months ago

What a crew, what a vibe!

12 months ago

Catch the best of SW UK sessions with Guy Bridge!

12 months ago

Get a glimpse of kiteboarding at Guy Bridge's homespot and live vicariously through his sessions!

1 year ago

Summer sessions in Cornwall!

1 year ago

Join Guy Bridge and the Flysurfer crew for a kitefoiling cruise in Tarifa!

1 year ago

Tom, Guy, Andrea, Lorenzo, and Emma join forces in this video for a fun trip to Tarifa, The trip began with a strong Levante and...

2 years ago

Bit and pieces from Guy, Emma, Noe, Kiko, Val & Lacie K's trip to Brazil!

2 years ago

The best of Guy Bridge's UK sessions from October have just been released - Watch this!

2 years ago

The weather may be getting colder, greyer, and gloomier... at least the wind is blowing - Watch Guy Bridge and the crew sending it!

2 years ago

Summertime in the Alps - Not a bad place to be!

2 years ago

Enjoy Guy Bridge's latest video from Trois-Evêchés - nothing beats kiting up a hill!

Issue 73

Guy Bridge has been smashing some records lately, Rou Chater witnesses him blitz the fleet at the Red Bull Lighthouse to Leighton race in Perth Western Australia. Check out how fast he went right here...

5 years ago

Posts we shared on our Facebook Page over the last 2 months

Team Bridge is a unique family of kite surfers that compete internationally in freestyle & racing with many world & European Tittles between them.

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