Evan Klijn

Evan Klijn

Pro Rider

1 month ago

Weekends at home! In this video, Evan Klijn takes us to a beautiful lake at his home in Friesland, giving the perfect recipe for a...

3 months ago

Evan Klijn just released his latest action-packed video, which includes an exciting downwinder in Holland, tow-ups with Evan's closest friends, training in Tarifa, and the...

3 months ago

Check out Stino Mul's Lords of Tram recap from Barcares last week, including his heats to see how he performed. He is now gearing up...

4 months ago

Evan Klijn shases a 55 knot storm in Ireland - The results? See for yourself!

6 months ago

Watch Cohan van Dijk and Evan Klijn go head-to-head in a freestyle game of KITE! Although there was barely enough wind to ride, they had...

6 months ago

On Evan Klijn never ending quest to chase the most extreme conditions - here it is; the strongest winds he's conquered yet! Hold on tight,...

7 months ago

Watch EvanKlijn and the new ERA in action!

8 months ago

Experience extreme megaloops like Evan on every size in the range, including the 10m and 12m! Evan recently joined the FLYSURFER team, and they are...

9 months ago

If there's anyone who gets us stoked for stormy sessions, it's Evan Klijn! In this vlog, Evan takes us to Zandmotor for a couple of...

9 months ago

Evan Klijn and the crew hit France and dropped his latest vlog! Watch the action right here.

10 months ago

Evan Klijn is keeping busy... from changing brands to chasing magical gusts in Tarifa... Did he break a record? Did he score the 1-minute airtime...

11 months ago

Evan Klijn sending it on his new 6m FLYSURFER Sonic 4!

Issue 103

With big air kiteboarding reaching ultimate highs, one segment of the sport is all about reaching new lows. Short line big air has launched onto the scene as one of the most exciting and extreme categories of kiting. Is it the future? In this article, we take a look at the state of modern big air and connect with short line pros and industry insiders to offer some insights into the Short Line Revolution!

5 months ago
Issue 102

Evan Klijn enters the new ERA with FLYSURFER, taking his passion for big air to even greater heights! Join the 22-year-old Dutch kitesurfer as he takes you behind the scenes of the ERA shoot in Cape Town and shares his experience joining the development process of this new big air kite. Read it here, exclusively in IKSURFMAG!

7 months ago
Issue 100

What's new in the kitesurfing world? On The Fly is your place to catch a quick update on the latest news. This issue, find out about Harlem's game-changing new kite, take a look at travel to the Bahamas, hear about Evan Klijn's latest moves, and go sailing in Sardinia with Tanguy Nef. It's all right here in On The Fly!

12 months ago
Issue 98

Are ultra-premium kites featuring unbelievable new materials worth the cost? It's not a simple yes or no answer! Crystal Veness shares her take on this hot topic in The Price You Pay, an Editorial on materials development in kitesurfing, and how it affects us as consumers. Read it exclusively in IKSURFMAG!

1 year ago
Issue 97

Big air kiter and industry personality Mike Mac Donald, known online as Get High With Mike, has had quite an influence on the Cape Town and global big air kiteboarding scene. In this Interview, we find out all about Mike and get a look behind the scenes of the Big Air Kite League!

1 year ago

Posts we shared on our Facebook Page over the last 2 months

Weekends at home! In this video, Evan Klijn takes us to a beautiful lake at his home in Friesland, giving the perfect recipe for a laid-back yet exciting Sunday!nn @Evan Klijn @Flysurfer

1 month ago

Posts we shared on our Instagram Page over the last 2 months

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