News Tagged: 'Rob Kidnie'

3 years ago

Join Rob Kidnie as he searches for the best wave kiting spots around the Western Australian outback! It was a bit late in the season...

8 years ago

This could win the award for the shortest kite edit ever, but the three clips of Rob Kidnie in Indo make it worth the watch,...

8 years ago

Rob Kidnie heads out to Indo armed with just two kites and two boards. He then rents a motorbike and heads of on a journey...

9 years ago

getting barrelled with a kite inevitably means you'll get some big crashes! Rob Kidnie shares with us some of his best wave stacks. He also...

9 years ago

If Indonesia isn't already on your bucket list, it will be after you see this video! Robert Kidnie travels the country on a motorbike with...

10 years ago

Core team rider Robert Kidnie comes back with a selection of the crashes and wipeouts that stayed on the cutting room floor from his recent...

10 years ago

Indo time. Core team rider Robert Kidnie gets to face down some classic barrels as he travels around Java, Indonesia on his kiting quest for...
