News Tagged: 'O’Neill'

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5 years ago

Kevin Langaree goes MASSIVE during an unexpected summer storm that hit Noordwijk. With winds ranging from 35 and 50 knots, it was MENTAL and Kev...

6 years ago

Just in case you've been living under a rock, Kevin Langeree win King Of The Air last week, oh and of course he did a...

6 years ago

After a tense five days of waiting the forecast finally looked favourable enough for the crew to make a call on today being the day...

6 years ago

Kev's vlogs are always worth a watch! Kevin Langeree just dropped his first vlog of the year, and it's on FIRE as he gets some...

7 years ago

The boys enjoying the beautiful Dutch summer (brrrr) and having SICK time in Noordwijk - Kev Langaree and  Gijs Wassenaar didn't have the best start...

7 years ago

Yes that’s right! Kevin Langeree is organizing the first ever Dutch Championships in bodydragging! This will be the first ever kitesurf event without a board....

7 years ago

King Of The Air could be this weekend! Check out Kevin Langeree's final preparations.. You know that feeling when you want to go out really...

7 years ago

Ice kiting on half ice half water and he isn't even wearing gloves! MENTAL! I really wouldn't want to fall in... REAL’s Ryan Osmond claimed...

7 years ago

What a great idea!! It looks like we have found the best way to ride an endless wave. Using a kite to tow us into...
