News Tagged: 'Luderitz Speed Challenge'

7 years ago

The footage in this edit comes from a car driving alongside. It genuinely has to accelerate hard to keep up! Great to watch. Keeping up...

9 years ago

2015 blew gales in Luderitz, Namibia and the speed sailors, kiters and windsurfers, had the time of their lives! Take a look at this 25...

9 years ago

Now this is the definition of buckets of spray! Check out the video update of everything that's going on at the Luderitz Speed Challenge and...

9 years ago

Martin Hulsink has set a new National Speed Record for the Czech Republic at 40.83 knots! Impressive stuff well done Martin, it looks like a lot...

9 years ago

Kiters are preparing for the 2015 Luderitz Speed Challenge. Will anyone break the 60 knots barrier this year? With foil kites now an option it...
