Best is back. It’s not 3-for-2 but it’s one hell of a deal if you’re looking to pad out your kite quiver for the stronger winter winds.

We all know the scenario. You just purchased that core sized kite that is perfect for the wind conditions at your home spot and you couldn’t be more stoked. You are all ready to go and shred when Mother Nature decides it’s time to actually turn up the wind, leaving you with too big of a kite for the most epic of days. Don’t you wish you had a smaller kite that could Tag Along in times like these? Well no worries, Best Kiteboarding is proud to announce the Tag Along promotion. Any customer who has purchased a new 2015 kite is now eligible to receive up to 50% off on a new 2014 TS of a smaller size. That’s right, get up to half off on a new 2014 TS to Tag Along in your quiver and get you out on those windiest of days.

Sat 8th Nov, 2014 @ 8:00 am


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